Steps In Between

Celaine Charles ~ My journey as a writer ~ Author site:

The Rules of Summer ~ Poetry Explosion

flower explosion

Explosion of Joy, by Amy Giacomelli

It’s the first Sunday in a new month… July 2018! That means I’m highlighting my poetry page, Wednesday Whims of Poetry:

What an explosive month of possibility. I always feel free in July. The weather is generally lovely. My mood is typically fair to outright happy. And if anything, I can just be. These are my rules of summer.


Rules of Summer


There are no rules of summer,

only suggestions

for time.

Let its tick tock metronome nest

with the robins, and wait for babies

chirping cheer for mama’s worm,

caught at dawn, after dewy jewels

adorn the day.


There are no rules of summer,

only counsel

for cares.

Let them gather in a tinderbox

as fuel to set flame, for sunsets

melting ruby red against

blackened Independence

Day skies.


There are no rules of summer,

only blessings

for joy.

Let it run rivulets down chins,

spit seeds in the grass,

green and growing like vines

underfoot, tethered gently to

season’s wind,


forever blowing freely

… for a spell.

~Celaine Charles

writing time

Writing Advice: Write at a different time

If you usually write in the morning, try writing in the afternoon or at night. Mix up your routine in honor of summer and notice the difference in your space. Study the light coming through your window. Notice the steam from our coffee or possibly the legs on a glass of wine. Be in a different moment of the day and draw from your creative core. See if something new and enlightening can crawl out onto the page.

I tried this the other day. I typically write in the mornings or at night. Never mid-day. It’s usually never a good time because of my day-job, or the kids, or other responsibilities that nag me away from writing by then. However, on summer vacation from teaching, the house was unusually quiet and free from family interruptions. I had already been working on homework for a class all morning and knew I had plans that evening. After a quick bite of nourishment, and a change of pace, I decided to head back to my office to work on my fantasy rewrite. Wow – the room was filled with light bouncing off the walls. The multiple lawn mowers from down the street were in tune with one another. My ice cubes clinked in my glass and I had a refreshed energy I hadn’t felt in a while. I started writing.

Writing routines are comfortable, and I love mine. Coffee in the mornings while I’m awake and feeling creative, or at night to candlelight, settling into my next big idea. But this afternoon writing was rejuvenating and animated. There was so much busyness going on outside my window. The clouds moved the light every few moments and the birds bickered with the squirrels. The day was alive, and I accepted its gift of time.

I offer this summertime gift to you too! Try out a new writing time and see what happens.

Volegov painting

Art by Vladimir Volegov


Image Links: (writing time) (watermelon)–explosion-of-joy-amy-giacomelli.html (flower art – Explosion of Joy – Amy Giacomelli) (Volegov painting)


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5 replies

  1. I love summer best — thank you for another meaningful post. I am going to read it again and get all the juice out of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful… Stanza 3 be my fav 😄

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Happy One Year Anniversary WRITERS! – Steps In Between

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