Steps In Between

Celaine Charles ~ My journey as a writer ~ Author site:

Fall Creeps In

Fall Creeps In

Fall creeps in

sneakily, in colors of sunset.

Amber eyes watch,



Tucked in between

bouquets of green and gold,

Summer lounges,



in tune with September’s winding ivy,

twisting in final turn,


to the beat of a blanketing ocean breeze,

bidding bedtime to starry nights,


until suddenly, she is quiet like a snake

hunting seasons as its prey.


Fall creeps in,

Summer slithers






Happy Wednesday Whims of Poetry,

By Celaine Charles

Categories: poetry

9 replies

  1. love it

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I so loved this!! Autumn is my favorite season but it is true that fall can be sneaky! The Autumn breeze is a Pied Piper to the leaves and lies to them so they leave the trees!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, you hear that because you are so right, great eye/ear! I do have a poem with this thought and words and I guess it subconsciously returned. Ha. and

    You hit a nerve with me Dear!! Thank you for your great piece. Let me revel in Autumn!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Celaine, so beautiful, lyrical. Just lovely ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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